Wednesday, September 24, 2008



Imam Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi lived for 89 years, and in that time he wrote 500 books! The following is his saying regarding the importance of time:
" I have seen majority of people making strange use of time! Spending long nights in useless talk, or reading books of ghazal (love poetry) and entertainment, and spending long days in sleep, and you would find them at the end of the day by the river Dijlah or in the markets. I likened them to people chatting while on a ship that is moving fast while they are unaware of its movement! I found that rare were those who understood the essence of existence, and it is those you find gathering their provisions and preparing for their departure. Thus be ever conscious of the passing of time, and hasten to use it before it is too late, and compete against time."
* One of the signs regarding the End of Time is that there will be no barakah (blessing) in time. It has already appeared. How many of us can truly recall events that happened not too long ago? How many of us are baffled on Fridays because the week had gone away with such speed? But at the same time, when we pray our salat on time, or when we are engaged in work that are pleasing to Allah SWT, time continues at a slow pace.
May Allah SWT bless the moments of our lives and fill them with activities that please Him. May we leave this transient world while we are involved with good work.*

Sr. Tasneem

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