Wednesday, December 1, 2010

ILHAM FOR THE DAY: A Reality Check

Last week I received a large dose of reality check. It happened early Monday morning when I was awakened by an intense phone call from my friend, who informed me in distress that her 40 year old niece had passed away during the night. I could not respond appropriately due to confusion and shock. I had never met her niece, but felt a deep sense of sadness.
Within the hour my Amma called and filled the blanks that were needed for me to fully digest the sad news. She had gone to the hospital for an angiogram and began to lose function of her lungs and other organs during the process. An open-heart surgery was performed, and within a day and a half Luna passed away. She left behind grieving parents, a loving husband, and a 13-year-old son. Since our family had suffered similar loss, I felt the family's pain.
Later that night I was requested to perform her washing and shrouding. Amazingly, the last body that I had washed was her grandmother's body 21 years ago! I had not washed anyone since then. But I felt honored that I was asked.
Tamjeed, my beloved son was visiting me. He boldly announced that he would drive me to Nashville early next morning for the washing. It took us almost two hours to reach the masjid. We drove through extreme wet weather and morning rush hour.
Many dedicated sisters came as well as some of my friends and family. Together we prepared
Luna to meet her Creator.
So many thoughts raced through my mind. How vulnerable we are and how arrogantly we try to forget the reality of our temporary lives. The day Luna got admitted to the hospital was her son's 13th birthday. She had called him from the hospital and promised that on upcoming Sunday she would celebrate his birthday! Little did she knew that she would be leaving this earth the next day.
May we have the best lives, the best death, and home in the Hereafter free of humiliation. This was a du'a of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu alaihi was-sallam.
Your sister in Islam,

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