Thursday, April 14, 2011


Bismillaahir Ramaanir Raheem.
Assalamu'alaikum wrwbth dear Ilham friends,
I am very disturbed about the hatred that is shown towards the Muslims all over the world, especially in my own backyard. The Anti-Sharia bill is going to the Senate and House floor for voting next Tuesday. They have brought all sorts of crazy Muslim haters and liars at the hearings and refused to even give 5 minutes to my friends and relatives to speak for the Muslims. InshaAllah we all hope and pray that they will be allotted some time to speak next Tuesday before the final voting.
I have lived in this state of Tennessee since 1975. I call it home. Now I feel like a very young child whose parents are about to divorce. The usual method is that both parents talk to the kid and let him know how much they both love him, but the child sees his whole world turned upside down. He realizes in his mind that life will never be the same as it was before. I feel like that child. I want to live at the time before 9-11 when I felt secure even in my small town as a practicing Muslimah. I felt safe, and the stares of strangers always meant curiosity rather than hatred. Now, like a child of divorced parents, I feel insecure about my surroundings.
At times like this I try to reflect upon the lives of the Sahabas who converted early in Makkah. They suffered unthinkable trials at the hands of the Makkan Quraish. One cannot stop the tears while reading their true accounts and wonder at their patience regarding their belief in One Allah! Their love for their Lord gave them the strength to be patient amidst all types of horror. I should try to be closer to Allah SWT and seek His Help now and always. InshaAllah He will give us victory over persecuting liars as He did in Makkah 1400 years ago. I also hope that after the victory I will also forgive those criminals just like Prophet Muhammad SAWS forgave his enemies.
Falsehood is bound to perish. The Anti-Sharia bill is based on complete lies and fear and inshaAllah it will also perish.
Sr. Tasneem

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