Thursday, April 21, 2011

ILHAM FOR THE DAY: A Quiet Protest

bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem.
Assalamu'alaikum wrwbth dear Ilham Friends,
On Tuesday, April 19th, a remarkable event occurred in Nashville, TN. Hundreds of tired and brave Muslims gathered at the halls of the state capital building to protest the House Bill 1353. It targets the Muslim community, even though the term 'Shariah' has been taken out. Since 9/11, Muslims in the US have been unfairly targeted, detained, jailed, and with no end in sight.
I had personally asked many to show up, but the overall response of the community was exemplary! Muslims and non-Muslims, moms and dads, old and young, newborns, grandmas and grandpas, healthy and disabled, all solemnly came to show the ignorant lawmakers that we are a people of honor and dignity. Kids behaved and even the newborns and babies seemed to know the gravity of the issue.
How often I have complained that Muslims are not united! How wrong I was! We all have the same passion and love for our Deen. When the hearing took place, the entire place was quiet with anticipation. We happily clapped when Bina, Tom, Daoud, and Heady spoke with quiet force and disclosed the true nature of the racist bill! How proud I was of Bina! I broke into tears when she finished her speech. It was so precise, and so forceful. Her talking points were great.
Tom, a Christian preacher from Tullahoma tried to appeal to the spiritual side of the committee members. What a superb human being he is! I was indeed so proud of him too. He did not need to come and speak on our behalf. May Allah SWT bless him.
I kept thinking of one verse of the Quran. The verse is in surah Baqarah where Muslims were told by the hypocrites to fear the polytheist army because they were many in number and were better equipped. Then Allah States that instead of fear , it strenghtened their Iman and they said : "Allah is sufficient for us as a Trustee." That great du'a was on my lips and in my heart.
What will happen again next Tuesday is only known to Allah SWT. Once again, we Muslims will pray and quietly protest with dignity, InshaAllah.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Bismillaahir Ramaanir Raheem.
Assalamu'alaikum wrwbth dear Ilham friends,
I am very disturbed about the hatred that is shown towards the Muslims all over the world, especially in my own backyard. The Anti-Sharia bill is going to the Senate and House floor for voting next Tuesday. They have brought all sorts of crazy Muslim haters and liars at the hearings and refused to even give 5 minutes to my friends and relatives to speak for the Muslims. InshaAllah we all hope and pray that they will be allotted some time to speak next Tuesday before the final voting.
I have lived in this state of Tennessee since 1975. I call it home. Now I feel like a very young child whose parents are about to divorce. The usual method is that both parents talk to the kid and let him know how much they both love him, but the child sees his whole world turned upside down. He realizes in his mind that life will never be the same as it was before. I feel like that child. I want to live at the time before 9-11 when I felt secure even in my small town as a practicing Muslimah. I felt safe, and the stares of strangers always meant curiosity rather than hatred. Now, like a child of divorced parents, I feel insecure about my surroundings.
At times like this I try to reflect upon the lives of the Sahabas who converted early in Makkah. They suffered unthinkable trials at the hands of the Makkan Quraish. One cannot stop the tears while reading their true accounts and wonder at their patience regarding their belief in One Allah! Their love for their Lord gave them the strength to be patient amidst all types of horror. I should try to be closer to Allah SWT and seek His Help now and always. InshaAllah He will give us victory over persecuting liars as He did in Makkah 1400 years ago. I also hope that after the victory I will also forgive those criminals just like Prophet Muhammad SAWS forgave his enemies.
Falsehood is bound to perish. The Anti-Sharia bill is based on complete lies and fear and inshaAllah it will also perish.
Sr. Tasneem

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Upcoming journey on a delicate path

Assalamu'alaikum wrwbth to all, Many of my friends have already experienced the joy of being a mother-in-law, and I am about to experience it (inshaAllah) for the first time. I have to admit that I feel I am too young (not true) and totally inexperienced (absolutely true) to venture out on this untrodden (by me) path. I have seen all kinds of mother-in-laws, from the worst to the best and all types in-between. The scary thing is that no one can predict what type of MIL one will become. Women react in a myriad of ways in this MIL role. My would-be Daughter-in-law is really a nice person. I can talk to her for hours without being bored. She is genuine in her ways. I pray to Allah SWT that He blesses our relationship. I am certain that the adult in the new relationship (the MIL) has to provide love and care for the young one (the DIL) at the offset of the new relationship. She has to model what a good, kind, and loving person she is so that the rookie will (hopefully) inshaAllah follow on that good path. I beg Allah SWT that he blesses the new member (a new daughter) of our family. May she become the apple of our eyes and the new love of our lives. We (my husband and I) love to spoil our kids and that we spoil her with love too. May we smother her with so much love that she will also reciprocate, inshaAllah. I hope that I will copy all these tapestries of MIL in my life and apply their wisdom at the right time and in the right place, inshaAllah. "INNAL-LAHA ALA KULLI SHAY-IN QADEER," " Indeed Allah is Able and has the Power to do all things." With His Help I do move. Ma'Salamah, Tasneem

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

ILHAM FOR THE DAY: A Reality Check

Last week I received a large dose of reality check. It happened early Monday morning when I was awakened by an intense phone call from my friend, who informed me in distress that her 40 year old niece had passed away during the night. I could not respond appropriately due to confusion and shock. I had never met her niece, but felt a deep sense of sadness.
Within the hour my Amma called and filled the blanks that were needed for me to fully digest the sad news. She had gone to the hospital for an angiogram and began to lose function of her lungs and other organs during the process. An open-heart surgery was performed, and within a day and a half Luna passed away. She left behind grieving parents, a loving husband, and a 13-year-old son. Since our family had suffered similar loss, I felt the family's pain.
Later that night I was requested to perform her washing and shrouding. Amazingly, the last body that I had washed was her grandmother's body 21 years ago! I had not washed anyone since then. But I felt honored that I was asked.
Tamjeed, my beloved son was visiting me. He boldly announced that he would drive me to Nashville early next morning for the washing. It took us almost two hours to reach the masjid. We drove through extreme wet weather and morning rush hour.
Many dedicated sisters came as well as some of my friends and family. Together we prepared
Luna to meet her Creator.
So many thoughts raced through my mind. How vulnerable we are and how arrogantly we try to forget the reality of our temporary lives. The day Luna got admitted to the hospital was her son's 13th birthday. She had called him from the hospital and promised that on upcoming Sunday she would celebrate his birthday! Little did she knew that she would be leaving this earth the next day.
May we have the best lives, the best death, and home in the Hereafter free of humiliation. This was a du'a of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu alaihi was-sallam.
Your sister in Islam,

Monday, September 13, 2010

It has been so long since I last wrote in this blog. So much has happened since last five months!!! AlHamdulilah, all was good.
In the last five months I saw my only maternal aunt and her daughter and her two grand-daughters. They came to visit us in April, and it was 24/7 fun and happiness. We all enjoyed their company and were very sad to see them leave. The best thing that happened was that they HAD to extend their stay due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland. They live in London, UK, and all flights were cancelled for about two weeks. Allah Works miracles everyday!! So, instead of staying for two weeks, they stayed for four weeks. We were overjoyed!
Then, we also went to perform the 'Umrah. My son could not go because of his board exams. My husband and I, as well as our two daughters were blessed to be there. Our entire experience was a miracle! I actually touched the Kaabah several times! I saw the footprints of Ibraheem AS! The grandeur of the visit cannot be adequately described in any human language. Faith is an inner reality, and its outward expression is limited at best.
No language can express the joy of seeing the Kaabah. It consumes the soul. One cannot think deeply while doing the tawwaf (circumambulation) around the Kaabah because its presence would make one lose consciousness. One just has to move and make du'a ardently, as if not trying to assess the situation. If one only steps into the 'moment' and realize the place of tawwaf, how holy it is, one would just faint. Not only it is sacred, it is full of history. I remembered many sacred historical events and at times my mind would get cloudy and I would feel disoriented. A voice deep within my being commanded me to suppress the thoughts and instead just perform the sacred rituals.
I thank Allah azza wajal for allowing me to visit His Home and the shrine of Prophet Muhammad Sa Allahu Alaiyhi Was-Sallam. I hope that many more visits are written in my decree.
Tasneem Ahmed

Sunday, April 4, 2010



Today is a very meloncholy day for me and for my entire family. In fact the entire weekend was quite heavy with grave memories of my beloved brother, Junaid.
He left us 21 years ago. The horrible accident happened on April 3rd, 1989. He finally passed away on April 5th. Those few days were the worst for us. Junaid was slowly creeping away towards His Owner, while Naved (his twin brother) was accepting his dire situation, also at Vanderbilt ICU.
I distinctly recall that fateful evening of April 4th, 1989. We received a call from the ICU that Junaid was deteriorating, and that we should be all at his side. The rest of the family rushed to the hospital on that bright Spring day. I remember thinking that Spring will never be the same for us, ever. No less that fifty people were gathered at the hospital. Few people were allowed to see Junaid at the ICU. I was totally numb and was moving as if I was a zombie. I prayed at his bedside and touched his feet. His upper body was violated with tubes. He seemed more like himself at my vantage point. I prayed and whispered softly to him that we would meet again on the Day of Judgement, InshaAllah. THat was the last time I had seen Junaid. The ventilator was pulled the next day since no brain acitivity remained. Our family had changed forever.
Abba and Amma seemed okay this evening. Even after all these years they tear easily at the mention of his name. They greive more in isolation now. They seem mellow especially at family gatherings. Perhaps they wonder what would Junaid's wife and children look like or how they would enhance their already existing extended family. They hide their sorrow in a dignified manner as they walk the steep path of life. May Allah azza wajal grant Junaid and my parents the Jannat - al- Firdous. " RABBIR HAMHUMA KAMA RABBAYANI SAGHIRA."
Whoever is reading this, please make du'a for Junaid and for our family.
Tasneem Ahmed

Friday, March 26, 2010



Today is Jumuah and I do not feel good. Since last two days I have been inflicted with the flu virus and thus, do not
have sufficient energy required to travel to M'Boro for Jumuah salah. I will miss the gathering and the wisdom of our Imam.
While delving deep into the oceans of meaning of surah Al-Baqarah, I came to an obvious realization: We must possess 'SABR' in order to accomplish any thing in life. Allah azza wajal even mentioned that we need to have Sabr before we can make salah.
There are many rewards of Sabr. The most pertinent is that Allah azza wajal IS WITH THOSE WHO HAVE SABR (2:153). Then He further States that if at the onset of a trial we remember Him and show Sabr, then "...Those are upon the Blessings from their Rabb and Special Mercy. Those are (only) who obtain the correct guidance."
Therefore, the following are the rewards of Sabr:
1. The Companionship of our Rabb
2. The showering of Salawat or Blessings from our Rabb
3 The showering of Special Mercy from our Rabb, and
4. The joy of being Rightly Guided on His Path
Let us make the following du'a for Sabr (2:250):

Your sister in Islam,
Tasneem Ahmed