Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It seems lately that I have suffered a lot from a variety of ailments. The bacterias and the viruses that were floating in the air would love to nest in my system. Of course I would not welcome them in my life, simply because they interfered with my day to day life activities, especially my daily worship regimen. I would also get depressed and wondered if Allah azza wajal was punishing me for my cumulative sins.
Now I know better! AlHamdulillah! The following Ahadith of our dear Prophet Muhammad Sallal-Lahu Alayhi Wass-Sallam convinced me about the never-ending Mercy of Allah azza wajal:
1. A'ishah RA narrated that the Messenger of Allah Sallal-Lahu Alayhi Wass-Sallam said: " healthy Truly fever makes wrong actions fall away from a man like leaves fall from a tree." And it was narrated that the Prophet Muhammad Sallal-Lahu Alayhi Wass-Sallam said: " The likeness of the Believer when he suffers from illness is like iron when it enters the fire; the dross is removed and the good elements stay."
2. Anas RA related that Prophet Muhammad Sallal-Lahu Alayhi Wass-Sallam said: " When a slave of Allah becomes ill for three days, he will come out having shed all his wrong actions, and will become as sinless as the day he was born." And it was narrated that our Prophet Sallal-Lahu Alayhi Wass-Sallam said: " The prayer of a sick person will never be rejected, until he recovers."
I will inshaAllah view any physical discomfort in a different light from now on. May Allah azza wajal keep us healthy and safe, especially during the holy month of Ramadhan. We should always pray for ease in our lives!
Your sister-in-Islam,
Tasneem Zeenat Ahmed

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