Thursday, August 13, 2009

regarding patience

I am passing through some difficult time of separation, i.e. from my children who are all enrolled in Professional schools away from home. Of course I am truly grateful to My Lord who has so Graciously allowed me the nearness of my children so far! They literally lived 50 minutes away from home during their undergraduate years. Also, both of my daughters came home every Friday and returned back to Campus on Monday mornings! Perhaps I am spoiled from all this closeness and now I will begin to feel the snapping off of the umbilical cord. Time does move on and I will have to adjust to my new life which will be away from the children.
Last night my husband's friend and his daughter arrived from Bangladesh to Nashville. The daughter is enrolled at Vanderbilt University as a graduate student. She has also recently lost her mother! The Dad will be returning back to BD, and she will be here alone. Maybe I should wonder about his feelings of separation! It is indeed time for me to be patient and grateful.
Some ahadith for reflection:
1. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab RA said: " The best days we ever lived were by virtue of patience, and if patience were to take the shape of a man, he would be a noble and generous man."
2. Ali ibn Abi Talib RA said: " The relation of patience to Iman is like the relation of the head to the body. If the head is chopped off, the body becomes useless." Then he raised his voice and said, " Certainly the one who has no patience has no Iman, and patience is like a riding-beast that never gets tired."
3. 'Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz ra said: " Allah never bestows a blessing on His slave then takes it away and compensates him by giving him patience; but that with which he has been compensated is better than that which has been taken away from him."
Please make du'a for me that I remain grateful to Him for everything in my life, especially my Islam.
Sr. Tasneem

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